What Is Green Coffee; Weight Loss, Taste, Benefits, Side Effects & More

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Like everybody else, I too heard about “Green Coffee” and its effectiveness for weight loss after it was mentioned on the Dr. Oz show in 2012. The Dr. Oz show referred to it as “The green coffee bean that burns fat fast” and claimed that no exercise or diet is needed.

Key Takeaways:
  • Green coffee beans are regular coffee beans that haven’t been roasted and remain completely raw.
  • Green coffee is generally used as a means to lose weight.
  • Green coffee has a milder, lighter flavor than regular coffee.
  • Green coffee beans have very little caffeine as compared to roasted coffee.

But, what exactly is green coffee?

Green coffee beans are regular coffee beans that haven’t been roasted and remain completely raw. Green coffee has a milder taste and a higher level of a chemical known as chlorogenic acid compared to roasted coffee beans. Chlorogenic acid in green coffee is thought to have health benefits.

People take green coffee for obesity, diabetes, high blood pressure, and other conditions, but there is no good scientific evidence to support most of these uses.

Read on to find out more!

What is Green Coffee?

Green coffee beans are the same type of beans that you use to make coffee each morning. 

The difference is that the beans you use are brown because they’ve been roasted, whereas green coffee beans are raw beans that have not been roasted.

Green coffee contains polyphenol compounds known as chlorogenic acids, which are plant-based micronutrients. 

The roasting process can reduce these compounds, so regular coffee doesn’t have as much chlorogenic acid as green coffee. 

Coffee beans are rich in antioxidants and other pharmacologically active compounds. 

Researchers believe that chlorogenic acids and caffeine are responsible for many of the health benefits people associate with green coffee beans.

What is green coffee used for?

Green coffee is generally used as a means to lose weight. Green coffee beans contain compounds known as chlorogenic acids. Some believe these compounds may promote blood sugar regulation, improve health markers, such as blood pressure and cholesterol, and provide antioxidants.

Studies on the ability of green coffee or its extract to treat illnesses or medical conditions are, to this point, inconclusive.

However, there have been some promising study results when chlorogenic acids or green coffee were tested to improve mood and exhaustion, brain function, and neurodegenerative conditions like Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s Disease, and bacterial infections.

There are also encouraging preliminary animal or test tube studies showing that the chlorogenic acids in green coffee may be able to help treat skin cancer, as well as more serious forms of the disease including lung, liver, breast, and colon cancer.

what is green coffee

Does green coffee taste like regular coffee?

Green coffee has a milder, lighter flavor than regular coffee. The taste of the coffee made from green beans can be compared to that of green tea, but it’s not entirely similar. It’s more viscous than regular coffee and has an amber color. Green coffee is also more acidic than roasted coffee. 

Green coffee does not taste great and most people find it too grassy and acidic. Most of the “coffee flavor” we’re accustomed to, as well as the brew’s trademark aroma, are attributable to the roasting process. The roasting is what gives coffee its big, bold, roasty flavor.

Since green coffee beans aren’t roasted, a brewed cup of green coffee lacks everything that a regular cup of coffee has, taste-wise.

Does green coffee bean extract have caffeine?

Green coffee bean extract contains 16 mg of caffeine per 800mg dose. To put this in perspective, an 8oz cup of green coffee has about 16mg of caffeine, compared to a cup of roasted coffee which contains about 100mg of caffeine. The amount of caffeine you get will depend on the brand, and the amount consumed.

Green coffee beans come directly from the Coffee Arabica plant and not roasted before being packaged and sent to consumers, hence their green hue.

They’re excellent beans for those who enjoy sipping a few cups of coffee in the morning, but who may be looking to cut down on their caffeine intake or simply don’t care for the “jitters” that can sometimes come from drinking too much coffee.

While a cup of roasted coffee contains about 100mg of caffeine, the average cup of coffee made using green beans only has about 16mg of caffeine.

Is green coffee bean good for weight loss?

There haven’t been a lot of studies on green coffee beans and their effectiveness as weight loss supplements. Although some studies have shown that green coffee extract may have the potential to help with weight loss. But the documented effects on weight loss were small, and the studies weren’t long-term. 

So, if you are wondering “Can green coffee reduce belly fat?”, the answer is – Probably! But don’t count on it as there isn’t enough research available to definitely say that green coffee beans can help you shed pounds or lose belly fat.

As we already know that the green coffee bean extract comes from coffee beans that haven’t been roasted. Coffee beans contain compounds known as chlorogenic acids. 

Researchers believe these compounds have antioxidant effects, help lower blood pressure, and help you lose weight.

Roasting coffee reduces chlorogenic acid content. This is why drinking coffee isn’t thought to have the same weight loss effects as unroasted beans.

The extract is sold as a pill and can be found online or in health food stores. A typical dose is between 60 to 185 milligrams per day.

However, any benefits still have to be conclusively proven by science, while there has been some research investigating the benefits of green coffee, it is still preliminary. 

Many studies done on green coffee have been conducted on animals or have a very small sample size. 

side effects of green coffee

Is it safe to consume green coffee?

The existing research suggests that consuming green coffee is safe. Green coffee does contain caffeine, which can have numerous side effects when people consume it in large amounts. Pregnant women, children, or those with liver or kidney disease, should avoid consuming green coffee bean products.

What are the side effects of green coffee?

There is much less caffeine in green coffee than in regular coffee. But green coffee can still cause caffeine-related side effects similar to coffee. These include insomnia, nervousness and restlessness, stomach upset, nausea and vomiting, increased heart rate, and other side effects. 

Consuming large amounts of coffee might also cause headaches, anxiety, agitation, ringing in the ears, and irregular heartbeats.

Researchers do not know the safe dosages of green coffee for people who are pregnant or nursing, children, or those with liver or kidney disease, so these groups should avoid consuming green coffee bean products.

Too much caffeine may cause a spike in blood pressure, but on the other hand, the chlorogenic acid in green coffee can lower blood pressure. 

Those conflicting effects can be an issue for people taking medications to treat hypertension, so they should seek medical advice before adding green coffee or green coffee supplements to their daily routine.

How do you use green coffee?

To make a cup of coffee using green coffee beans, soak 20 grams of beans in 300 ml of water overnight. In the morning, pour the beans and water into a pan and bring the mixture to a boil, simmer for fifteen minutes. Let the coffee cool down, then filter it into a cup.

To make a cup of coffee using green coffee bean powder, grind 20 grams of beans to medium-fine grind size. Steep coffee grounds in 300 ml of hot water for ten minutes. Make sure that water is hot and not boiling. Filter the coffee into a cup and drink. 

You can purchase green coffee or green coffee extract in four forms: whole beans, ground, powdered, in capsules. You can also buy it by the cup in some coffee shops.

Powdered green coffee and capsules are intended for use as dietary supplements. Capsules are simply swallowed, of course, and the powder can be mixed with water or another beverage of your choice. 

What is the best time to drink green coffee?

The best time to have green coffee is half an hour before or after your dinner and lunch. Green coffee contains chlorogenic acid which acts as a catalyst for enzymes responsible for digestion in the liver by elevating the metabolism and removing excessive stored fat from the body.

Green coffee is usually enjoyed on its own without any additions but you may add a dash of honey or a sprinkle of cinnamon. 

Green coffee may benefit your weight loss routine in many ways but it cannot help you lose weight all by itself. 

A good weight loss plan needs to be a mix of a balanced diet and regular exercise but green coffee can definitely play a great supporting role and help you reach your goals.

green coffee weight loss benefits

What are the health benefits of green coffee?

Green coffee beans are not roasted, unlike regular coffee. These coffee beans have a higher amount of chlorogenic acid which is believed to have numerous health benefits. 

1. It can help you lose weight.

With the increasing trend of weight loss products and supplements, green coffee tops the chart. Researches show that people suffering from obesity or those who are looking for a steady weight loss program have been benefited from regular consumption of green coffee in their everyday lifestyle. But there is more research needed.

2. It can lower your blood pressure.

Some early researches also show that green coffee beans benefit high blood pressure patients. A significant drop in blood pressure with regular consumption of Green Coffee extracts or beans is noticed.

3. It may help lower your blood sugar level.

Green coffee may lower your blood sugar and reduce your risk of getting diabetes. Studies have shown that chlorogenic acid causes your body to absorb fewer carbohydrates from the food you eat, which can help prevent blood sugar spikes and increase weight loss. Green coffee also lowers cortisol, which is known to increase blood sugar. 

4. It boosts your metabolism.

The presence of chlorogenic acid in green coffee is known to boost your metabolism. It helps increase the Balsamic Metabolic Rate (BMR) of our body, which further minimizes the release of glucose from the liver into the bloodstream. 

To fulfill the requirement of glucose, the body starts burning the excess fat stored in the fat cells

5. It reduces sugar absorption.

Green coffee decreases the absorption of sugar in the small intestine, which ultimately means that less sugar will be stored as fat, and one can easily shed extra pounds.

6. It improves your skin.

Green coffee can benefit the skin in a number of ways. One study showed that chlorogenic acid increases skin hydration and relieves dryness. 

Chlorogenic acid improves the barrier function of the skin, which reduces the amount of water that evaporates from the skin’s surface. 

By helping your skin hold onto more water, it can clear up mild cases of dry skin and give you a more healthy, glowing complexion. 

7. It controls your appetite.

If you’re someone who constantly falls for sudden hunger pangs and ends up binging on unnecessary calories, sip some green coffee. 

Again, chlorogenic acid acts as a natural appetite suppressant. It helps control cravings and prevents us from overeating.

8. It can naturally detox your body.

One of the significant green coffee benefits is that it acts as a natural detox for your liver, as it cleanses toxins, excess fat, and bad cholesterol from your body.

9. It can give you an energy boost.

Although unroasted coffee beans contain less caffeine than roasted beans, they do have enough caffeine to give you a boost. 

One green coffee pill has about 50 milligrams of caffeine, so taking two is like drinking one cup of regular coffee. 

Caffeine is a stimulant that boosts your mood, energy, alertness, and memory. 

Can we drink green coffee with milk?

Green coffee should be consumed without adding milk or sugar. You could add honey or cinnamon to enhance the flavor of green coffee.

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Picture of Amit Gupta
Amit Gupta

Hi, my name is Amit Gupta, and I am the owner and contributor at Cafeish. My obsession with coffee started when I received my first French press as a gift almost ten years ago. Since then, my love of coffee – and the number of coffee gadgets I own – has grown considerably.

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We are a team of coffee affcianados with experience and expertise in making world renowned coffee. In fact, preparing the best coffee ever with a fluffy top reminds us of magic, with secrets of how to achieve each particular effect. Making coffee is not our only hobby, we always keep our ears open as to what’s happening around and what scientists and manufacturers produce for consumers. It’s not an easy task to do – it’s rather time consuming. Hence, Caféish website was launched.


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